Green hydrogen: Ineris partners with the IMAGHyNE project

Ineris is a partner of the European IMAGHyNE (Investments to Maximise the Ambition for Green Hydrogen iN Europe) project, which officially launched on 12 February 2024. Here we take a closer look at Ineris’ expertise in safety, which was of particular relevance to this project.

What is the IMAGHyNE project?

The Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (AURA) wants to establish a hydrogen ecosystem by backing and uniting projects involving the production, transport, storage and use of hydrogen in the region. The IMAGHyNE project addresses this ambition. Forty European partners are joining forces to support subprojects being developed in the region. Scheduled to run for six years (2024–2029), the project has a budget of €200 million and has received funding of €20 million from the Clean Hydrogen Partnership.

How Ineris will contribute

Both the size of the project and the diversity of the different systems that will be developed mean that particular attention needs to be paid to the technical, human and organisational aspects of safety throughout the project’s life cycle.

Ineris will contribute by drawing up a safety management framework and the accompanying data structure that will enable risk levels and the managerial performance of the various stakeholders to be monitored. The purpose of this work is ultimately to help develop a reproducible safety management solution for supply chains directly connected to the production and use of green hydrogen.

The Institute will also conduct a multiple-criteria analysis of prospective scenarios as determined by the CEA (the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission).


Find out more: The Région presents IMAGHyNE: the Grande Vallée project