Risks linked to anthropogenic and natural cavities – Interreg V RISSC France Wallonia Vlaanderen cross-border project

Ineris (the French National Institute for Industrial Environment and Risks) is a partner of the RISSC project, the objective of which is to improve and provide shared tools dealing with safety and town and country planning in order to manage risks caused by underground cavities of anthropogenic (quarries, etc.) and natural (karsts) origin on a cross-border scale (France/Belgium, Hauts-de-France/Wallonia).

The “Cross-border management of cavity risks” symposium held on 14th November 2019 in Lille, allowed project partners to present the progress of their work to communities, administrations, consultants, and Belgian and French organisations.
The symposium was co-led by our experts, who provided details of instrumented monitoring of an underground cavity and demonstrated the various methods used in Wallonia and Hauts-de-France to render cavities safe.