Priority research programmes and equipment: launch of the “SOUSSol” PEPR

Winner of the second wave of the “Priority exploratory research programmes and equipment” (Programmes et équipements prioritaires de recherche exploratoires – PEPR) call for projects, the SOUSSol PEPR (“Subsoil as a common good”) of which Ineris is a partner, started on 13 February 2023.

The SOUSSol PEPR (“subsoil as a common good”) aims to increase knowledge of the national subsoil within a context in which there is a growing need to better understand these resources and better manage conflicts of use. Jointly run by BRGM and CNRS, this research programme has a budget of 72 million euros over a period of 7 years. It brings together 35 institutions and laboratories.
Ineris and its researchers from different disciplines (geotechnical diagnosis/investigation, monitoring of geological and geotechnical risks including microseismicity, geomechanical modelling and hazard assessment) will collaborate on areas of interest in the territory in order to improve knowledge of the subsoil, jointly develop assessment tools, co-construct usage scenarios with the various stakeholders and model their impact.

> Find out more, France 2030: Ineris partners in two new exploratory research programmes

The “Priority exploratory research programmes and equipment” known as PEPRs, constitute the upstream/research component of the France 2030 strategies. They aim to build or establish French leadership in scientific areas related to (or likely to become related to) a transformation that is technological, economic, societal, medical, environmental, etc. They are considered to have priority at national and European level and will greatly contribute to structuring national research over the next eight years. They are funded by the France 2030 programme. Since 2021, 27 PEPRs have been launched in various fields such as the environment, health, energy systems, quantum systems and cybersecurity.