e.cenaris gets a new look!

The website dedicated to the observation and monitoring of soil and subsoil risks has been updated. Its new look is modern, innovative and dynamic!

On it you’ll find information on Cenaris*, the National Monitoring Center for Ground and Underground Risks branch of Ineris, and you can access our expertise, our projects, and the products and services we offer.
With access to telemonitoring, our clients and partners can safely view and publish all monitoring data and metadata.

>> Check out the site

*Cenaris is a center for research, expertise and early warning capabilities, located at the School of Mines of Nancy. It is based on the monitoring infrastructure e.cenaris, and on the resources and expertise of Ineris’ Soils and Subsoils Risks Division. Its mission is to develop and implement tools and methods to improve our understanding of instability and large-scale rupture phenomena, and to support expertise applied to risk management.