GRHYD demonstrator – Report on the visit of Mr Pascal Hector

On 14 March 2019, Mr Pascal Hector, the Minister Plenipotentiary at the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, visited the GRHYD demonstrator at Cappelle La Grande (59).

The Institute has contributed to presenting the GRHYD project, which is the first Power To Gas installation in France to inject hydrogen generated by renewable energy into the natural gas network.
This project, developed in the Dunkirk region, was set up to respond to the energy needs of the future, in order to identify flexible solutions combining several sources of energy.
Ineris has been working since the 2000s on the risks linked to hydrogen and has contributed its know-how to support the first phase of the GRHYD project. Therefore, the Institute stands as guarantor for the safety aspect of the production, the post injection and post mixing storage.