Nomination of vice-president of Ineris board of directors

Manoëlle Martin was appointed vice-president of the Ineris board of directors by official decree dated 27 November 2018.
Strong foundations in Hauts-de-France

Manoëlle Martin, vice-president of the Hauts-De-France region, responsible for schools and guidance for young people and deputy mayor of Gouvieux, has just been appointed vice-president of the Ineris (National Institute for Industrial Environment and Risks) board of directors.
This body comprises a non-executive president, seven government representatives, five figures from the business sector, three qualified stakeholders and eight employees. Manoëlle Martin was appointed as a qualified stakeholder.
This nomination boosts the position of Ineris, a national public organisation whose head office is located in Oise, Hauts-de-France. Ineris is a partner in the network of universities at the heart of the third industrial revolution taking place within the region.