Research of regulatory values of exposure to electromagnetic fields

Langue : Français / English


Limit values differ depending whether exposure is in a public environment or in an occupational activity.

Exposure configuration

Close to the source, the field decreases strongly, and a part only of the body can be mainly exposed (localized exposure). Values are different for the head and trunk, where the central nervous system is, and for limbs.

Characteristics of the electromagnetic field

The field can be static, variable in time and emitted continuously (sinusoidal) or emitted intermittently (pulsed).

Pulses are defined by their duration and the interval between them. Although not considered in the French and European regulations, this case is planned by ICNIRP (1998). The parameters to consider in this case are “peak values”. To calculate those limit peak values, complete thereafter the duration of pulses and the interval between them:


If exposure is due to multiple simultaneous sources at different frequencies, a single limit value cannot be defined. The value of the electric field must then be measured for each frequency, and the sum of relative contributions at each frequency must be calculated; if this sum is lower than 1, the exposure complies with the limit values; if it is equal or larger than 1, the exposure does not comply with the limit values

Single exposure


Frequency of a sinusoidal field expresses in Hertz or one multiple\nAbove 100 kHz, if exposure lasts less than 6 minutes, the limit value can be increased inversely proportional to its duration. If it is the case, tell the duration of exposure in seconds or minutes.


If duration is shorter than 6 minutes, tell this duration; if longer, leave the box empty.

Multiple exposure

Frequency Value B Value E
Source 1
Source 2
Source 3